Title: Stop.Breathe.Think

Client: Snow-Camp

Problem: Many of the inner-city young people that Snow-Camp work with have been involved in knife crime and the charity wanted to do something about it. Practicing mindfulness is proven to reduce youth gang violence and our youth led focus group told us ‘we don’t know how to deal with how we feel’.

But how do you get ‘at risk’ young people in the UK to actually try mindfulness?

Solution: By creating the world’s first mindfulness drill track.

The lyrics of the track taught and promoted mindfulness techniques and made mindfulness culturally relevant to our target audience.

The campaign encouraged over 4,000 young people to sign up for this little-known charity’s free mindfulness classes.

It received significant national media attention and took on a life of its own as schools have begun using the track and the youth led mindfulness content as anti-knife crime teaching material.